I'm Josh Thomas, an entrepreneur, engineer, designer, and multi-exit venture builder with over 15 years of experience across diverse industries, including venture consultancies, creative & advertising agencies, toy manufacturers, and award-winning tech startups. My career is devoted to discovering and exploiting opportunities that arise when emerging technologies or business changes create new consumer and user needs. I believe that innovation is driven by identifying opportunities and fresh approaches in delivering value to an organization and its customers. I help companies take bold entrepreneurial leaps in thinking using a product mindset required to create relevance in the face of exponential growth in technologies and user behavior.

To do this, I build and lead cross-disciplinary teams of designers, engineers, developers, strategists, stand-up comics, business development experts, and experiential artists who focus on new approaches to creating digital or physical products, platforms, and organizational design. My roles have included Principal Technical Venture Builder and CTO-In-Residence at Mach49, where I pioneered AI-assisted ventures and mentored CVC-funded spin-outs, as well as leadership positions at Karakoram and Pastoral. I'm a doer, a thinker, and a leader, with experience getting my hands dirty in code, manufacturing, design, strategy, operations, and leadership. I'm an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur, constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation and creativity.

Recent Case Studies

United Nations

Project Theia

Using IoT LoRa networks to monitor COVID-19 viral blooms at a national level

UK Government Digital Service


Improving operational awareness for UK Emergency Services

Recent Experiments

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